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Artists/HUANG, Wu Peng

HUANG, Wu Peng

HUANG, Wu Peng

Media/Oil Color、Ink、Others

Huang Wu-Peng was born in Taichung, Taiwan in 1993, now he act as an artist. He was also making his art in a different name as his avatar as himself, which is called Leno Euphroion. Currently, he agrees that he doesn’t need a special title for doing artist. The reason why he abandon this pseudonym, is because to recognize the so-called real is most important in the situation of knowing truth. It can be said that changeable idea is a significant measurement in a long-term measuring, which is related to his art as well. 
And when it comes to Wu-Peng’s art, reviewing the diversify found throughout Wu-Peng’s art text, the morphing of classical words found in his art text has began to be understandable. As the content of his art, that they are also correspondingly became different. If we examine the previous style of his artwork, we will find that it is quite similar to the current style. Regardless of what is truly in his art, it transforms the meaning of “words” in his art text which is according to its logic, these meanings of the words also have their position in the text, however, this located position is not a static thing, it gradually deviated from its original meaning with the developing of his art, it even became the form for an abstracted concept just as other things in the text. But it still could be said that Wu-Peng’s art tends to present the expressed form of meaning, instead doesn't emphasize the meaning itself, this may be interpreted as the words in his art text is not only be transformed, but also allowed to retains the previous content or spirit at the same time, this maybe considered as a symbol of post-Wu-Peng’s art. 

「"The poetry of your art"國際藝術計畫」,Monte do Malhão – Art, Eco & Spa,Castro Marim,葡萄牙。
「約旦國際當代藝術博覽會」,RAS Al AIN Art Gallery ,安曼,約旦。

2021德國棕櫚獎國際藝術競賽,ART DOMAIN GROUP。
"HERMES"國際藝術大獎,愛馬仕基金會(The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès)。 
2021美國獎競賽,第26類NAIVE ART-HUMAN FIGURE第六名,American Art Award。
「南美墨西哥360度藝廊國際線上藝展」,360°Virtual Gallery,線上展出,墨西哥。
「ARTQUAKE-7 & 8 兩屆國際聯展 」, Nigde Art Gallery,卡帕多奇亞,土耳其。
「『All the Colors of the World』、『No Borders in Art』國際線上藝術展」,線上展出,維也納,奧地利 。
The Collector’s Award 2021,青年組收藏家獎,Art Herald Magazine。
「『21 EXPRESSIONS』馬來西亞國家藝術學院與印度藝術堡合作國際線上展覽」,網站,馬來西亞國家藝術學院與印度藝術堡線上展出,馬來西亞。
「《印度–台灣》國際當代藝術及書法虛擬展覽」,網站,Cultural to Art of India線上展出,印度-台灣。
「Elixir Exhibition國際藝術博覽會」,Kafar Souseh文化中心,大馬士革,敘利亞。

「Winter digital Exhibition Artists Art Screen TV」,the Shim Network's Artsy site,Artsy線上展出,瑞士。
「SEGNALATI國際藝術聯展」,迪奧多大教會展廳(Scuola Grande di San Teodoro),威尼斯,義大利。
「The International Prize New York City國際藝術獎聯展」,The  White Space Gallery Chelsea,紐約,美國。
「義大利”Artisti '20”國際當代藝術年鑑及聯展」,Palazzo Ximenes Panciatichi,佛羅倫斯,義大利。 
The International Prize Raffaello & Canova 國際藝術獎及聯展,Salvatore and Francesco Saverio Russo。 
The International Prize New York City 國際藝術獎及聯展,Salvatore and Francesco Saverio Russo。
出版2020/2021 AFG Art Book國際畫冊,印度。
義大利3° 李奧納多·達文西國際藝術獎,Salvatore Russo & Francesco Saverio Russo。
「0101 ART FAIR線上與線下藝術博覽會聯展」,台北收藏交易中心,台北,台灣。 

義大利喬托國際藝術獎(Giotto International Prize),邀請入選,Dott. Salvatore Russo。
出版2019 AFG Art Book國際畫冊,印度。
「2019深圳文博會萬科分會 & PechaKucha Night公眾論壇」,深圳會展中心,深圳,中國。

「2018亞洲當代藝術展(秋季展) 」,香港港麗酒店,香港,中國。
「第十五屆曼谷亞太青少年資優營『Di Theory』創作個展」,泰國曼谷詩麗吉王后國家會議中心(Queen Sirikit National Convention Center),曼谷,泰國。



「第21屆世界資優會WCGTC畫作聯展」,奧登思會議中心(Mødecenter Odense),奧登斯(Odense),丹麥。


